About Me

Hey there, I'm Roberto.

Welcome! I'm Roberto Sapienza, currently wrapping up my senior year at the University of California, Santa Barbara, where I’m pursuing a B.A. in Communication with a minor in Professional Writing, focusing on Multimedia Communication. I'm passionate about everything design from digital design and web development to branding, advertising, and editorial design within a growing interest in the media and entertainment sectors. I've had the chance to work on diverse projects, transforming underdeveloped concepts into eye-catching visual stories. I’m always on the hunt for new opportunities to learn new design techniques and evolve my craft.

Feel free to reach out, if you are interested in working together or just wanting to connect!


My Skillset

I’ve got a solid foundation in graphic design, web development, photography, and branding, but I’m always trying to mix things up by learning new digital design tools and innovative design approaches.

Staying static? Not my style!